Sunday, June 16, 2013

Spring Greens

Well - a year reprise, but Frosty Farm blog is back.  The overwintered Kale and Collards bloomed like a dream in the spring, and I've been eating it a few times a week, trying to give away the rest.  As the first rays of spring sunshine fall on the Kale and Collards, they burst to life, and start to produce a flower.  What to do with all these greens - well, a gentle steam or sautee can do as a nice side dish, but one of my favorites is my "Spring Greens Pie"
Collards & Kale
Spinach seedlings from early April

Preheat oven to 375.

  • Use about 15 stalks of garlic scapes, diced - otherwise use more onions/shallots, and add garlic to herb mix
  • 1 or 2 spring onions, sliced (or ramps if they're still available)
  • A bunch of collared greens, separated from the stem, and cut into slices.
  • About 5 baby bella (crimini) mushrooms.
  • Season with fresh thyme and rosemary cut up into tiny pieces, and add some cayenne pepper and cumin too

Sautee all together until the greens and onions are just getting soft.  I always cook these sorts of greens on med/med-low heat so that they cook in their own juices.

Meanwhile, beat 5-6 eggs.  And by eggs, I of course mean from chickens that live outside Grazin Angus Acres, for example.  And keep the yolks, folks.  Like my mother said.  Eating an egg without the yolk is like licking the outside of a glass of wine.  #truth

Butter the outside of a glass pie dish, and pour the eggs in, then add the greens, pushing them down into the mixture.  You can add goat cheese or some kind of melty cheese in chunks on the top if you'd like.  Pop in the over, and check every 10 mins until eggs are just set.  You can check by sticking a fork in the middle, it should come out dry.  It should take about 30 mins total, but remember that it will still cook a bit.  Let it cool, and enjoy!

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